Traditional wired network routing is strictly based on lowest hop-count route, whereas wireless often needs to cull out routes where the LQI (SNR) is poor. One cannot just drop OSPF or AODV or TBRPF into the small microprocessor because these don't do time-synch'd rendevous to enable "sleeping" router FFD nodes.Īnd, those 3 protocols don't look-down to layer 2 to choose routes based on LQI (RSSI). And battery powered FFD mesh routing (time-synch rendevous) - that is sadly missing in ZigBee PRO. what is 6LowPAN and the IETF/RFC proposing to do for mesh routing in this? A small IPv6 frame and stack is great, but many low power sensor applications need self-forming meshes or at least static routes in a cluster tree. Meanwhile dating back to the original 802.15.5 w/ZigBee, and in 802.11, we STILL don't have a standard for meshes nor "sleeping" routers. ROLL group (IETF, 1st cousin of IEEE), andĪll working on the same meshing challenges? With this extension, no more than 1 multicast packet should be sent in all the device life. Regarding the low power aspect, in 6lowpan a new header compression scheme, more powerfull than the current one, is being worked on, as well as neighbor discovery extensions to avoid IP multicast. IETF generally is in favor of such a routing approach, as opposed to a layer 2 mesh approach. If none of the studied protocols is considered suitable for sensor networks (likely to happen), the group will recharter and start working on a solution. The group was extremely fast and all these documents should be in last call to be RFCs around next IETF meeting late November. issue a study of the existing routing protocols (and whether they match these requirements) define the metrics needed for routing (including L1/2 and device specific metrics like power state) define routing requirements for sensor networks in the smart cities, building automation, home automation and industrial verticals It was formed a few months ago, initial charter is to Regarding routing, you can have a look at the ROLL working group (.